In Memoriam:

Audree Wilson Music Room

September 28, 1917 – December 1, 1997


Beach Boys’ Mom Music Room Dedication

On Friday, April 3, 1998, the Madison Middle School Band and Orchestra will put on a dedication assembly to honor Audree Neva Wilson, the mother of Beach Boys Brian, Carl, and Dennis Wilson. Audree, who passed away last December [1997], was a friend and supporter of our instrumental program at Madison. She became acquainted with our program through Madison's volunteer drum instructor and former long-time [Beach Boys' drummer], Bobby Figueroa.

Audree loved the kids at Madison and even entertained some of them in her home. Audree felt strongly that music should be an important part of all children's lives. She was proud of the success our program was achieving.

As you might expect, Audree embraced the whole Madison music program, not only for its success and its extended connection to her own sons and their beginnings, but for the great music it produces. She was so happy she could pass on some of the "Good Vibrations" the Beach Boys' music had created and loved seeing the band and orchestra filled every year.

At her passing, the family decided to have [former members of Madison's music program play at her memorial service.] In lieu of flowers the family requested donations to be sent to Madison's Band and Orchestra.

The instrumental program will also be honoring the memory of Beach Boy Carl Wilson, who passed away in February of this year. Donations honoring the memories of both Audree and Carl have been received by our band and orchestra. For all the help that Audree Wilson and the entire Wilson family have given to Madison Middle School, we felt renaming room 202 the Audree Neva Wilson Music Room would let her memory live on and inspire our present and future band and orchestra members.

Our dedication assembly will feature live musical selections from several groups, including special guest appearances from the Wilson family.

“Thank you Audree!”





The Wilson family has requested that memorial donations for Audree Wilson (Brian, Carl, and Dennis Wilson's mother), be sent to the Madison Middle School, for the Bulldog Band and Orchestra, 13000 Hart St., North Hollywood, CA 91605.

Madison Middle's band room was dedicated to Audree, who was a longtime supporter of the school's music programs. A dedication assembly, held on April 3, 1998, featured performances by the students and a jam which featured Mike Kowalski, Mike Meros, Billy Hinsche, and Bobby Figueroa (former BB drummer and current Madison drum instructor) singing and playing "Surfer Girl" and "Sail On Sailor." (4/18/98)